Code of Conduct

Welcome to AltsInvest Collective, a vibrant community dedicated to the exploration and understanding of alternative investments. Our mission is to provide a platform for unbiased education and a broad network of opportunities, fostering a culture of knowledge and connection. As we embark on this journey together, it is imperative that we adhere to a set of principles that will guide our conduct and interactions within the group.

  1. Integrity and Respect: Members must act with integrity and respect towards all participants within the collective. This includes respecting the privacy, confidentiality, and opinions of other members.

  2. Professionalism: Members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner that reflects positively on themselves and the collective.

  3. Compliance with Laws: Members must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to securities and investments.

  4. Conflict of Interest: Members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and refrain from using their position within the collective for personal gain.

  5. Solicitation and Promotion: Members must not solicit or promote investment products or services during non-networking time periods unless explicitly authorized by the organization.

  6. Contribution to the Community: Members are encouraged to actively contribute to the collective by sharing knowledge, resources, and opportunities that may benefit the group.

  7. No Unauthorized Representation: Members must not speak on behalf of the collective.

  8. Disclosure for Investment professionals: Investment professionals must clearly identify themselves and disclose their professional affiliations, ensuring transparency within the collective.