Thank you for your interest in becoming a member!

Who can join?

  • You are an accredited investor, as defined by the SEC. This means that you have a net worth of at least $1 million, excluding your primary residence, or an annual income of at least $200,000 for the last two years, or $300,000 jointly with your spouse. There are other ways to qualify as an accredited investor please see | Accredited Investor.

  • You agree to abide by the AltsInvest Collective Code of Conduct, which requires you to respect the privacy, confidentiality, and opinions of other members, and to refrain from soliciting, promoting, or endorsing any investment products or services, unless explicitly authorized by the organization.

  • If you are an investment industry individual, such as a broker, advisor, manager, or provider, you must identify yourself as such and disclose any potential conflicts of interest. You must not contact other members without their consent, not use the organization's name or logo for marketing purposes, and not speak on behalf of the organization without permission.

Membership in AltsInvest Collective is open to anyone who is interested in alternative investments and meets these criteria:

Cost to attend?

The cost to attend each event will be between $10 to $20 to cover any expenses in holding the event. Any excess proceeds will be donated to the Collective’s partner charity, DAWN (Domestic Abuse Women's Network). We are proud to partner with DAWN, an organization that supports, empowers, and shelters women and children who are survivors of domestic abuse in King County, Washington.

What Do You Get?


Learn from the best and stay updated on the latest developments and opportunities in alternative investments.

In-Person Networking Events

You will be invited to attend all the events. These events include Fireside chats, panel discussions, and social events that cover various topics and trends in alternative investments.


Share ideas, insights, and opportunities with other members who share your passion and goals in the world of alternative investments.

We invite you to apply and be a part of AltsInvest Collective!

How to apply for membership

Please fill out the membership application form based on your profile by clicking the button below. The membership committee will review your application. Once approved, you will receive a welcome email and instructions on how to access the members' area of the website.

We look forward to welcoming you to AltsInvest Collective. While membership is free and open to accredited investors only, attending the events will incur a minimal cost to cover food and event costs as mentioned above. All proceeds in excess of the food and event costs will be donated to the Collective’s partner charity, DAWN. Investment industry individuals must identify themselves and abide by the rules. See the code of conduct for more details.

If you work in a field other than investments and DO NOT have roles like investment broker, advisor, manager, or provider.

If you work in the investment industry and have a role such as a broker, advisor, manager, or provider,